Singing Guide: Sonya Isaacs

Singing Guide: Sonya Isaacs

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Sonya Isaacs

Sonya Isaacs is an American country and bluegrass singer, songwriter, and musician. She is a member of the Isaacs, a renowned gospel and country group formed in 1971, consisting of four siblings and their mother. Sonya Isaacs has a unique vocal technique that comes from her experience as a gospel singer. Her voice has a pure and angelic quality, and she is known for her powerful high notes and emotive phrasing. This article will provide some tips on how to learn and sing like Sonya Isaacs.

1. Analyze Your Voice

Before you start practicing Sonya Isaacs' style, you need to know your own voice. Take Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range. This will show you which notes you can comfortably sing and help you choose the best songs for your voice.

2. Work on Your Head Voice

Sonya Isaacs' singing style relies heavily on her head voice, which gives her a high and pure quality. To develop your head voice, practice singing scales, arpeggios, and other exercises that focus on the upper notes. Singing Carrots' Song Search tool can help you find songs that will challenge your upper range, such as "I've Forgotten You" by Sonya Isaacs.

3. Master Your Phrasing

Sonya Isaacs has a natural sense of phrasing, which helps her convey emotion through her singing. To improve your phrasing, listen closely to Sonya Isaacs' songs and try to replicate her style. Singing along with her songs will help you understand how she enunciates her words and uses pauses to create tension and release. Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor can help you visualize your phrasing and see where you need to improve.

4. Learn the Harmonies

As a member of the Isaacs, Sonya Isaacs has mastered singing harmonies with her siblings. To replicate this skill, listen to the harmonies in their songs and practice singing along. You can also use Singing Carrots' Song Search tool to find songs that have harmonies, such as "Is Not This the Land of Beulah" by the Isaacs.

5. Take Care of Your Voice

Sonya Isaacs has been singing professionally for decades, and she knows how to take care of her voice. Follow singing best practices like good breathing habits, stretching exercises, and proper hydration to keep your voice healthy. Singing Carrots' Vocal Health article can provide more tips on how to maintain good vocal health.


Learning to sing like Sonya Isaacs takes practice and dedication, but with the right tools and resources, anyone can do it. Use Singing Carrots' range of tools, such as the Song search, Pitch monitor and Vocal Range Test, to develop your skills and improve your singing. Incorporating Sonya Isaacs' unique style into your own singing will help you discover your own voice and showcase your individuality.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.